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UTI-FEM x 6 sachets, cystitis treatment


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  • Cystitis treatment. Uti-Fem is indicated for women suffering from acute uncomplicated cystitis.

Natrii citras. Acidum cictricum anhydricum, Natrii hydrogenocarbonas, Natrii carbonas anhydricus, Saccharum, saccharinum natricumj, Citri sapor naturalis

Uti-Fem by alkalization of urine gradually neutralizes the feeling of burning pain (occurring especially during urination). A reduction in the concentration of hydrogen ions, so that the patient can feel relieved after 1-2 hours.

Dosage: Dissolve the contents of a sachet in a full glass of warm water (200ml) and have all of the solution immediately after complete dissolution of the powder. It is recommended to apply the full course of treatment, that is, 6 sachets (3 times a day 1 sachet), even if the symptoms go away sooner. Do not repeat the treatment. If symptoms do not improve after the end of treatment, you should consult your doctor.