- VIGOR UP! Natural ingredients improves the nervous system and stimulates the body. It increases efficiency psychophysical and improves memory and concentration.
1 tablet: standardized extract from the seeds of guarana standardized extract of cocoa beans, a standardized extract from the leaves of Yerba mate including: 52,4mg natural caffeine, theobromine 0.5 mg, 50 mg citrus bioflavonoids, vitamin A 800μg equivalent retinol, vitamin E 3 , 3 mg equivalent? tocopherol, vitamin K 25μg, 5μg, vitamin D, vitamin C 50 mg, vitamin B1 1,4mg, 10 mg niacin equivalents of niacin, vitamin B6 2 mg, 400μg folic acid, vitamin B12 1 ug, pantothenic acid 6 mg, 12 mg iron, iodine 150μg, 56,25mg magnesium, zinc 5mg, 20μg selenium, manganese 1 mg, vitamin B2 1,6mg, chromium 50μg.
The product contains an extract of guarana, which is responsible for improving the responsiveness of the brain to stimuli. Improves the working of the mind, increases psychomotor efficiency and reduces fatigue. Extract Yerba mate works by stimulating the body and soothes the feeling of weariness. Cocoa extract is a source of theobromine. The complex of B vitamins improves the nervous system and allows obtaining energy from food, which increases vitality, vigor and endurance. It improves the flow of information through the brain.Iodine is responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, vitamin B1 supports the functioning of the heart, the zinc strengthens bones, niacin acts to maintain the good condition of the skin.
- Hypersensitivity to the active components of the product
It is recommended to use the product in adults and adolescents over 15 years of age in order to strengthen immunity and improve concentration and memory.
For oral use. It is recommended to use 1 tabl./24h. Serve adults and adolescents over 15 years of age.