WIEDEMANN homeocomplex NP ampoules
pack size:10X2ml Dosage form:ampoules
Homeopathic medicine
active ingredients
- 0.5 ml Berberis vulgaris D3
- 0.5ml Pulsatilla pratensis D4
- 0.5 ml Serenoa repens D3
- 0.5 ml Clematis recta D4
- water for injections
- sodium chloride
2 ml injection solution contains medicinally active ingredients
Berberis vulgaris D3 dil. 0.5 ml
Clematis recta D4 dil. 0.5 ml
Pulsatilla pratensis D4 dil. 0.5 ml
Serenoa repens D3 dil. 0.5ml
sodium chloride, water for injections.
Side effects:
So far no side effects have been reported from the use of Wiedemann homeocomplex NP.
Dosage and application:
Unless otherwise prescribed, in the case of chronic illnesses, inject ½ amp. Wiedemann homeocomplex NP ic, sc or im every 2nd day.
The areas of application of the 12 Wiedemann homeocomplex preparations are derived from the drug pictures of the individual homeopathic active ingredients