Emvita 13 Withdrawn;- Gutshot, badly wounded and withdrawn drops 50 ml
Withdrawn - Gutshot, badly wounded and withdrawn, disinterested, focused on oneself; in extreme cases, autistically self-centered, disquieting regression
homeopathic medicine
Feeling seriously ill, believing one will not get over a severe injury or illness. Badly hurt at being rejected by someone who does not reciprocate one’s feelings. Feeling not only aggrieved but also humiliated and laughed at. Fearfully retreating from people because nothing good is expected. Beginning to construct walls around one’s own tender soul and to pull back into one’s innermost region as a snail retreats into its shell.
• Western Cashew D21
• Lachesis Mutus C800
• Calcarea Carbonica LM16
• Graphite LM18
• Thyme Gland D21
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
• alcohol
Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.