YNERGON COMPLEX 70 loofah drops
Pack size:50ml Dosage form:drops
sodium tetrachloroauratum benefits:
Sodium tetrachloroaurate might reduce inflammation (swelling). It might also kill cancer cells.
Luffa operculata benefits:
Luffa used for treating and preventing colds. It is also used for nasal swelling and sinus problems. Some people use it for arthritis pain, muscle pain, and chest pain. Women use luffa to restore absent menstrual periods.
ECHINACEA benefits:
Echinacea has been shown to improve immunity, blood sugar, anxiety, inflammation and skin health. It may even have anti-cancer properties. However, human-based research is often limited. It's considered safe and well tolerated for short-term use.
The remedy Kali Bromatum is derived from potassium iodide. To prepare this medicine, potassium iodide undergoes potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties from a crude substance. With this process, potassium iodide is converted into a very important homeopathic medicine Kali Bromatum. Use of this medicine is recommended in cases of pimples, schizophrenia, sleeplessness and memory weakness.
Action of this medicine is well marked on skin and mind. It can also handle well cases of sleeplessness and nightmares. Additionally, it acts well on limbs, male and female genitals.
Active ingredients
- 100 mg sodium tetrachloroauratum D5
- 100 mg Euphrasia D2
- 100 mg Hydrastis canadensis D4
- 100 mg Pulsatilla pratensis D4
- 100 mg Luffa operculata D5
- 200 mg Echinacea D2
- 100 mg Eupatorium perfoliatum D8
- 100 mg potassium bromatum D4
- 100 mg Cuscuta europaea D2
- Ethanol
Synergon 70 loofah drops
Application areas:
- Registered homeopathic medicine, therefore without specifying a therapeutic indication.
Active ingredients: Luffa operculata, sodium tetrachloroauratum, Cuscuta europaea, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Euphrasia officinalis, Hydrastis canadensis, Kalium bromatum, Pulsatilla pratensis, Echinacea
A notice:
- Contains 46% alcohol by volume
Net filling quantity:
50 ml
Manufacturer data:
Kattwiga Arzneimittel GmbH
Zur Grenz 30
48529 Nordhorn